Bianca's specially designed confidence building clinic for extremely nervous riders or those who have been in accidents or bad experiences with horses.
This clinic is all about giving you the answers to replace the fear, frustration and negativity that encompasses your mind when things don't go as planned.
Learn how to relax under pressure and gain the control over your horse and over your emotions that will actually give you the confidence you are desperate for. Excuses are a part of fear telling you that you can't do it.
Learn to allow yourself to receive something better-by allowing yourself to listen to and receive guidance from a coach that understands your journey. You will take what you learn and be able to apply it and follow through instead of just a one off.
Life itself is pressure, to be truly successful in it you've got to be able to face and walk through life' challenges with a calmness and ease about you in the exact same way as when you work with a horse on the ground or on its back. Your focus will be rewired to be on the things at hand rather than on everything that could go wrong.
Refreshing and rewarding this clinic will see you BECOMING BRAVE!
(FULL DAY) $150